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Our Take on International Trade

| 1 minute read

Trump Tariff Tracker

Today’s implementation of the tariffs on imports from Canada and Mexico is one more piece in the Trump Administration’s aggressively expanding trade policy. Click here if you’d like to read a concise summary of the Canada, Mexico, and China tariffs that my colleagues and I have written. 

Over the last 43 days, what started out as a sprinkling of campaign promises has turned into a tempest of tariffs with global impact.  Keeping track of all of the tariffs that have been promulgated or proposed can be a head-spinning task.  To help follow the proliferation of tariffs in the Trump Administration, I have put together the following list of each of the tariff measures that have been implemented, pending, or proposed since January 20, 2025. 

Here is the developing landscape of U.S. tariffs as of March 4, 2025:

CountryU.S. Tariff MeasureStatus
China20% ad valorem duty on all products of China 

Implemented: 3/4/2025

CBP Fed Reg Notice & Increase

Executive Order


10% ad valorem duty on energy

25% ad valorem duty on all other products of Canada 

Implemented: 3/4/2025

CBP Fed Reg Notice

Executive Order

Mexico25% ad valorem duty on all products of Mexico 

Implemented: 3/4/2025

CBP Fed Reg Notice 

Executive Order

GlobalCopper – potential tariffs on imports of copper and derivative products

Pending: Section 232 Investigation

Executive Order Initiating Investigation 

GlobalLumber – potential tariffs on imports of timber, lumber, and their derivative products

Pending: Section 232 Investigation

Executive Order Initiating Investigation

GlobalSteel – 25% ad valorem duty on imports of steel articles and derivative products with no exemptions or exclusions

Pending: scheduled to go into effect 3/12/2025

Proclamation on Sec. 232 Duties

GlobalAluminum – 25% ad valorem duty on imports of aluminum articles and derivative products with no exemptions or exclusions

Pending: scheduled to go into effect 3/12/2025

Proclamation on Sec. 232 Duties

ChinaChinese Vessels -- Port Entry Fees up to $1.5 million on Chinese owned or built vessels

Pending: USTR Sec. 301 Investigation

USTR Fed Reg Notice of Proposed Action

Public Hearing on 3/24/2025

GlobalReciprocal tariffs imposed on all imports based on foreign tariff levels


Presidential Memorandum

Cabinet level analysis and recommendations for reciprocal tariffs expected 4/1/2025

E.U.25% ad valorem duty on all products of the E.U. Proposed:  2/26/2025
GlobalSemiconductors – 25%+ tariffs on imports of semiconductors

Proposed: 2/18/2025

Expected early April

GlobalPharmaceuticals– 25%+ tariffs on imports of pharmaceuticals

Proposed: 2/18/2025

Expected early April

GlobalAutomobiles– 25%+ tariffs on imports of automobiles

Proposed: 2/18/2025

Expected early April

This list will be updated weekly as new tariffs are implemented and new targets for tariffs are identified by President Trump and the administration. 




tariffs, china, canada, mexico, steel, aluminum